Check Out The One Of A Kind Retirement Benefit Zimbabwe Gave Mugabe

The 37 year rule of former President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe ended with a resignation on November 21, 2017, with the speaker of the Zimbabwean Parliament, Jacob Mudenda telling legislators the lengthy rule was characterized by brutality and economic collapse. Speaker Mudenda read the letter which stated: “I Robert Gabriel Mugabe in terms of section 96 of the constitution of Zimbabwe hereby formally tender my resignation… with immediate effect.”

According to state media reports, Robert Mugabe will be given a generous offer of a residence, a fleet of cars and private air travel as part of a new government-funded retirement package for former leaders.

The 93 year old, who was until his resignation, the only President the country has had since it got independence from Britain in 1980, will also get the benefit of at least 20 staffers including six personal security guards, which will be funded by the government of Zimbabwe.

While unveiling the package, the new President of Zimbabwe, Emerson Mnangagwa did not disclose whether Mugabe was made to step aside after several backlash and mounting pressures which followed a brief military seizure of the reins of his government, will get any monetary offer in the benefit, even though there is provision in the Constitution for a pension equivalent to the salary of a sitting president, for former Presidents of the country.

According to widespread speculation which made the rounds in the country last month, Mugabe was reported to have been offered a $10-million (8.3-million euro) retirement bonus as part of a deal to persuade him to eventually resign. The government denied the claims.

As part of the new package, Mugabe will have three cars — a Mercedes Benz S500 Series or an equivalent class of sedan, an all-terrain station wagon and a pickup van — which will be replaced every five years.

The government will also pay for fuel.

Mugabe and his wife will be entitled to diplomatic passports. The couple can go on four first-class air or train trips within Zimbabwe and four trips abroad on a private plane.

Mugabe will also be awarded a fully-furnished official residence anywhere in the capital Harare, in addition to bills and entertainment allowances.

Health insurance for the former leader, his spouse and dependants is also included in the raft of benefits.

Mugabe resigned on November 21 after his party expelled him and parliament began proceedings to impeach him in the wake of a military intervention.

His lengthy stay in office was marred by allegations of human rights abuses, electoral fraud and mismanagement of the economy. His longtime loyalist and partner Emerson Mnangagwa took over the reins of government from the aged ruler even though they had issues which was as a result of Mugabe taking sides with his wife, Grace, in a fall out Mnangagwa had with her.

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